Hello @Simon, unfortunately @JoVPH who was the german speaker of the team doesn't come often on the forum, and I am more the technical guy but do not speak german unfortunately.
Deepl gave me this translation of you text:
"I am blessed with some free time at the moment and am making another attempt to understand the concept of the Mosquito or MoskitOS in order to be able to improve it with my skills if necessary. I am currently trying to understand the control angle of the trapezoid.
Does anyone have a (constructive) answer other than that it is ‘God-given’? I would like to understand this.
In my considerations, I also come up with an angle close to 45°, simply as a combination of the desire for steering angle and lateral inclination in equal measure. It would also be great if you could point me in the right direction."
If I understand correctly you speak about the trapeze elevation which is 60° from the horizon for the moskitOS and was ~64° for the original mosquit0

How to choose this angle:

- the smaller it is the better the moskitOS turns (the more vertical is the steering axis = orange "Axe de direction" above, perpendicular to the trapeze plane)
- the bigger it is the bigger is the "Chasse" which gives the high speed stability. But you can also play with this modifying the trapeze ratio to have a higher "sides intersection" and hence a higher steering axis
- it is also more or less related to the seat angle
- …